Fluid simulator based on Finite Volume Method

This project was a result of my interests in Computers. I wanted to explore applications of programming in Aerospace Engineering. It was my 1st project in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) under the guidance of Prof. N.R. Panchpakesan.


I started my journey as a serious C++ programmer with this project. I implemented a lid driven cavity solver based on Finite Volume Method using SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Pressure Linked Equation) algorithm.

I started the project in my sophomore year and continued working on it for around 1.5 years. First, I implemented a 2D code using the Gauss Seidel iterative method. After validating the solver, I moved on to extend the code to 3D. It seemed trivial at the time, but turned to be really challenging as resolving bugs for 3D case was tedious. Finally, once I had successfully completed the 3D version, I improved the speed of the solver by compressing the (3D) array data as (2D) arrays. This improved the speed of the solver by around 50%.

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