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I am a graduate student in Scientific Computing Masters Program at University of Pennsylvania. I started my double masters at Penn in August '18 after graduating from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras in July '18 with a Dual Degree (B.Tech+M.Tech) in Aerospace Engineering, with specialization in computational and applied mathematics.

I love challenges and always on the lookout for new problems to solve. My interests in computers motivated me to explore the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). I worked in this area for 3 years as an undergrad at the Department of Aerospace (IIT Madras). During this time, I was also part of the Formula Student Team at my college (Raftar Formula Racing) and led the Aerodynamics divison for 1.5 years. I helped found this sub-system and managed a team to design wings for the racecar using CFD. Towards the end of my 4th year, I took a course on computer modeling and simulation in the department of mathematics. I found the whole process of mathematical modeling and code writing really interesting. This led me to explore a problem from applied and computational mathematics for my masters thesis.


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