Sentiment Analysis using Deep Neural Networks

Course project from CIS545 (Big Data Analytics) during my 1st semester at Penn. This project was inspired from a then on-going Quora competition for building models for sentiment analysis on their data. Due to proprietary data, I have not shared any code or data here. But, a detailed report of the other aspects of the project can be found here.



Sentiment analysis is a classic problem in the field of natural language processing (NLP). As computers can only understand numbers, the first challenge in any NLP task is to find an alternate (number) representation for the text. Mainly, two such approaches are available: Bag of Words, and Word Embedding. We compared both approaches and Word Embedding turned out to be a superior representation as it is much more sophisticated than Bag of Words (one to one mapping of word to integer) as it accounts for the context in the text too.

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